
Motor-Katalógus » Suzuki » Suzuki Burgman 650

Suzuki Burgman 650 Exec

ModellSuzuki Burgman 650 Exec
Price as new (MSRP)US$ 9899. UK £ 7999. Prices depend on country, taxes, accessories, etc.

Motor és sebességváltó

Motor típusaTwin, four-stroke
Engine detailsA dual, gear-driven countershaft system reduces engine vibration
Teljesítmény54.98 LE (40.1 kW)) @ 7000 1/perc
Üzemanyag rendszerBefecskendezés
Üzemanyag kontrollDOHC
Motor kenésNedves olajteknő
HűtőrendszerOlaj és levegő
DrivelineGear drive
Emission detailsElectronically-controlled pulsed-air injection system (PAIR)

Első kerékgumi méretei120/70-R15
Hátső kerékgumi méretei160/60-R14
Első fékekDouble disc. ABS
Első fékátmérő260 mm
Hátsó fékekSingle disc. ABS
Hátsó fékátmérő250 mm
WheelsFive-spoke aluminum wheels

Összsúly (olajjal, benzinnel, stb.)278.0 kg
Ülésmagasság750 mm
Teljes hossz2 260 mm
Teljes szélesség810 mm
Alváz magassága130 mm
Üzemanyagtartály mérete15.00 liter

Egyéb jellemzők

InstrumentsAutomotive-style instrument display with analog tachometer, speedometer, fuel gauge, temperature gauge, plus LCD odometer/tripmeters and clock
Carrying capacityIlluminated 56-liter under-seat storage space - large enough for two full-face helmets
SzínválasztékGray ,
MegjegyzésekSuzuki Electronically-Controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (SECVT) uses a handlebar control switch that allows the rider to choose between two fully automatic modes (power or normal), or a manual shift mode. Manual mode has six predetermined
MegjegyzésekSuzuki Electronically-Controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (SECVT) uses a handlebar control switch that allows the rider to choose between two fully automatic modes (power or normal), or a manual shift mode. Manual mode has six predetermined
MegjegyzésekSuzuki Electronically-Controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (SECVT) uses a handlebar control switch that allows the rider to choose between two fully automatic modes (power or normal), or a manual shift mode. Manual mode has six predetermined
MegjegyzésekSuzuki Electronically-Controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (SECVT) uses a handlebar control switch that allows the rider to choose between two fully automatic modes (power or normal), or a manual shift mode. Manual mode has six predetermined
MegjegyzésekSuzuki Electronically-Controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (SECVT) uses a handlebar control switch that allows the rider to choose between two fully automatic modes (power or normal), or a manual shift mode. Manual mode has six predetermined
MegjegyzésekSuzuki Electronically-Controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (SECVT) uses a handlebar control switch that allows the rider to choose between two fully automatic modes (power or normal), or a manual shift mode. Manual mode has six predetermined

Price as new (MSRP)US$ 9899. UK £ 7999. Prices depend on country, taxes, accessories, etc.